Payment Conditions
We’re able to offer following payment options:
- Bank transfer
- Credit card
- Paypal
- Instant bank transfer
- Debit charge
- Invoice (only available for german customers)
- Payment by voucher
Bank transfer:
This payment option is possible for every order in the shop, by e-mail or over the phone. As soon as we receive your payment, you will get an e-mail with the confirmation. Please consider the listed delivery time for every product.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
Credit card:
This payment option is only possible for orders made through the shop. Unfortunately, we can’t offer this option for orders by e-mail or phone. Your credit card is charged immediately, and your order will be processed right away.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
Your Paypal account is charged immediately, and your order will be processed right away.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
Instant bank transfer:
Instant bank transfer is a procedure, where you are transferred to your online banking account while placing your order. We receive a real-time confirmation and are able to process your order right away.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
Debit charge:
Debit charge is a Paypal service in our shop, but you do not need a Paypal account. While placing your order, you are transferred to a Paypal website and are able to pay. The amount is charged immediately, and your order will be processed right away.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
Purchase on invoice is a service offered by Ratepay and only available for german customers. While placing your order, you are transferred to an external website and fill in your data. Starting at the day of your order placement you have a 30-day time period for your payment. Please consider that purchase on invoice is only possible for warehouse-products.
Returns: If you return the products, you will receive your refund within a few days. Please consider the returning notes included in the package.
You have questions regarding the ordering process or our payment conditions? Send an e-mail to